The Brothers Karamazov, the culmination of Dostoyevsky’s work, was completed in 1880, shortly before his death. A story of parricide and fraternal jealousy profoundly involves the questions of anarchism, atheism and the existence of God.

This first volume introduces Fyodor Karamazov, a mean and disreputable Russian landowner, and his three legitimate sons: Dmitry, a profligate army officer; Ivan, a writer with revolutionary ideas; and Alexey, a religious novice. They meet to resolve a family dispute in the presence of the monk Zossima.

Rare and well preserved edition from the early 1970s. Spine unbent. Some yellowing to pages.

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Detail from the painting The Student by Larchenko. A bearded man in a tall hat and black cloak looks intently out at the viewer.
Title: The Brothers Karamazov 1
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