The third instalment of Jónassaon's Dark Iceland Series. 1955.Two young couples move to the...
A huge bestseller in England, France, and Australia, the second book in the Dark Iceland series...
The Death of Achilles
Erast Fandorin returns to Moscow, and he just can't seem to keep out of trouble... The fourth...
The Snack Thief
When an elderly man is stabbed to death in the lift of his apartment block and a crewman on an...
The Voice of the Violin
Montalbano's gruesome discovery of a naked young woman suffocated in her bed immediately sets him...
The Hotel Majestic
When the strangled body of Mrs Clark, the wife of a wealthy American industrialist, is found in...
The Blue Room
An adulterous affair leads to a double murder and an inescapable nightmare for Tony in this...
The Venice Train
During a chance meeting on the train from Venice to Paris, a stranger asks Justin Calmar to...
The Crocodile
Transferred to Naples after a tangle with the Sicilian Mafia, Detective Inspector Giuseppe...
The Defenceless
When an old man is run over and killed by a Hungarian au pair, Finnish police investigator Anna...